See-through panel Air Watch Tower 6K2

See-through panels are corten steel frames with a transparent plate. On that plate, a drawing visualises an object/activity that is not (or no longer) visible in the landscape. Through the correct perspective of the drawing and the correct positioning of the frame, the drawing is as it were projected into the current landscape. In this way, a special event or a former structure that stood at a specific location can come back to life for a while. Via the vista panels, we make the special history and unique story of Northeast Polder more visible.

The Look-through Panel Air Watch Tower 6K2 stan…

See-through panels are corten steel frames with a transparent plate. On that plate, a drawing visualises an object/activity that is not (or no longer) visible in the landscape. Through the correct perspective of the drawing and the correct positioning of the frame, the drawing is as it were projected into the current landscape. In this way, a special event or a former structure that stood at a specific location can come back to life for a while. Via the vista panels, we make the special history and unique story of Northeast Polder more visible.

The Look-through Panel Air Watch Tower 6K2 stands on Banterweg, off Camping Het Bosbad, and tells the story of the fear of the Russians during the Cold War. It was feared that fast and low-flying Russian planes would fly unseen to and over our country and might drop dangerous cargoes such as paratroopers or bombs. And so the sky had to be watched by human eyes, which were mainly to see or hear the planes that flew under the radar and thus were not picked up by the radar. The people who scanned the sky and the horizon for Russian planes were employed by The Air Guard Corps.

Of the 276 air watch towers in the whole of the Netherlands, three were in the Northeast Polder, of which 6K2 was therefore the one in Emmeloord. The other two were at Urk (6K1) and Ens (6K3). The air watchtower in Emmeloord was built in 1953 and demolished in 1964. So you can no longer see it in real life, although the concrete foundation can still be seen in the Emmelerbos. You can get an impression of the tower itself via the see-through panel, which also contains all kinds of interesting information about the how and why of the air watchtower.


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